So you might be wondering what would happen if everyone on earth jumped at the exact same time. Will it cause an earthquake? or Will it not make any difference?. 
Well, what if more than 7 billion of us gathered in one place and jumped. What would that even look like? Interestingly if the all of us gathered in one place standing shoulder to shoulder you could fit all of us in the city of Los Angeles. So what if we jump like that. 
Unfortunately Nothing much would happen. I mean our collective mass compared to the mass of the earth is nothing. 
But by jumping like this we would push Earth away from us a tiny amount. That is one hundredth of a single hydrogen atom. But another thing is when we land back on earth from where we started the Earth would just move back from where it started. So our big jump will not be able to change the position of the earth. But we also cannot say it would not make any difference.
So will it cause an earthquake? BBC once did this with 50,000 people and discovered that a kilometer and a half away from it only registered as a 0.6 on the Richter scale.
We shouldn't be discouraged about that. Our collective jump would contain a lot of energy. If everyone in china jumped at once, their jump would be equivalent to 500 tons of TNT. But it would not make any difference to the earth which weighs 5,972,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons and gaining!.


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